Monday, January 24, 2011's cold outside!

     Yesterday was clear and cold. However, the sun was out and that helped immensely! I decided to bundle up and take a walk. Thankfully, there was no wind, since when it is this cold, the wind is evil!
      The sky was a crystal blue and the snow glittered. Birds were singing. If it wasn't 5 degrees outside, you might glance out a window and think it was spring! The sun actually felt warm upon my face. However, on the walk home - away from the sunlight, my nose was a bit frosty!
     I returned home feel fresh and invigorated! There is just something about a winter walk that feels so good!


Monday, January 10, 2011

~We are here to endure beams of love

     I was writing in my spiritual journal, which is something new that I have started. It is journal writing with a twist and intention, although still very flexible and open. It incorporates both writing and drawing, and feels relaxing and fresh. It seems to create an opening in me that allow me to receive. I was looking for some inspiration for todays' entry, when I came across the William Blake's quote -"We are here to endure beams of love". I quickly thought about the many people and things in my life that that I deeply love.
     I drew hearts depicting the most special people in my life- my parents and 10 brothers and sisters, and also more hearts for my own children and partner. That's a lot of hearts! The hearts were all joined to the brilliant sun by its outstretched beams. We are all felt so beautiful!
     I then proceeded to list the many people in my life that I love. I concluded by detailing the many things that I love from chocolate to roses to sunsets! I feel so blessed!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~A Winter Walk~

     I had the absolute pleasure of heading up north last week. It was a nice day....especially for late December in northern Michigan. The temps were in the 30"s and the sun was shining......good enough for walking the beach. It was cold, the wind the deciding factor, but it felt great! Listening to the waves crash as I chatted with my sweetheart and took in the natural beauty felt so nice!
    Back home the scenery is not quite so picturesque. But tonight after work, I bundled up and headed into the familiarity of my neighborhood. It was cold, but the wind was not blowing, so that helped. I walked my usual route, noting the faint colors that the sunset painted the sky and examining the bare trees. It really felt good. I don't know what it is about walking in the is just sort of invigorating. Something about it seems so refreshing!
     Once I get out and walk, I almost always enjoy it. The struggle is getting out the door....that is the challenge!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

~January Reality~

       Back to Reality......tomorrow school. The house is still full of holiday decorations waiting to come down. I am not at all motivated, but know I won't want to do it once I am back to school - tired. I hate to do it.....everything seems to look so bare when all the sparkle of Christmas is gone. Which brings me to the reality of January......and heading back to school. The day after Christmas break is possibly the worst day of the school year. In the fall it is a challenge, but the weather is still good in Michigan and there is still a freshness about it all. Then following spring break you know the end is in sight.......
       However, January, with its short, dark, cold days just feels heavy. The thought of kids, reports and IEPs has me less than motivated. Sigh. It seems so easy to be up and enthusiastic about embracing winter before the holidays, but come January the heaviness really seems to set in. It is easy to slip into a dark, funky place.
       Spring seems like a million years away too. Time to dismantle Christmas.
     On more positive note, these lovely pictures were taken one day over break during a day trip up north. The winter splendor was breathtaking!