Monday, January 10, 2011

~We are here to endure beams of love

     I was writing in my spiritual journal, which is something new that I have started. It is journal writing with a twist and intention, although still very flexible and open. It incorporates both writing and drawing, and feels relaxing and fresh. It seems to create an opening in me that allow me to receive. I was looking for some inspiration for todays' entry, when I came across the William Blake's quote -"We are here to endure beams of love". I quickly thought about the many people and things in my life that that I deeply love.
     I drew hearts depicting the most special people in my life- my parents and 10 brothers and sisters, and also more hearts for my own children and partner. That's a lot of hearts! The hearts were all joined to the brilliant sun by its outstretched beams. We are all felt so beautiful!
     I then proceeded to list the many people in my life that I love. I concluded by detailing the many things that I love from chocolate to roses to sunsets! I feel so blessed!

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