Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~A Winter Walk~

     I had the absolute pleasure of heading up north last week. It was a nice day....especially for late December in northern Michigan. The temps were in the 30"s and the sun was shining......good enough for walking the beach. It was cold, the wind the deciding factor, but it felt great! Listening to the waves crash as I chatted with my sweetheart and took in the natural beauty felt so nice!
    Back home the scenery is not quite so picturesque. But tonight after work, I bundled up and headed into the familiarity of my neighborhood. It was cold, but the wind was not blowing, so that helped. I walked my usual route, noting the faint colors that the sunset painted the sky and examining the bare trees. It really felt good. I don't know what it is about walking in the is just sort of invigorating. Something about it seems so refreshing!
     Once I get out and walk, I almost always enjoy it. The struggle is getting out the door....that is the challenge!

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