Tuesday, December 7, 2010


       It is absolutely freezing out! The first really cold blast, and my positive intentions and good attitude have gone right out the window! I have not pulled out the needed gloves, hat and scarf, so I am cold and bitching about it. It was so easy to set my lofty goals when we were having a heat wave in November (a balmy 60), but now that the temps have plummeted and the wind is blowing.... it is all coming back to me - all the things I hate - getting into a cold car, chilly drafts by windows and not wanting to leave my house after dark. Yup....some of the many reasons people hate this season! I am ready to hibernate..... to take a cup of tea and a good book and crawl under a fluffy blanket.
       I have not had a chance to walk in several days. I was gone over the weekend and then have been busy after school. Funny thing is, when I manage to motivate myself to take a walk in the cold - even for just 15-20 minutes (of course, I am very bundled up), I come home feeling sorta refreshed and energized. I did do some exercises tonight in the house, and that felt pretty good.
     Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will get used to it. I always do.  There is one benefit to this extreme cold....... when the temps warm up a bit - it will feel like a heatwave!


  1. I'm dreading what you describe. It's been so pleasant here, I was just thinking today how easy November and December have been. Which probably means that it's all storing up to pack us a wallop. You might want to add a little whiskey to that cup of tea...
