Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow is here~

We are finally getting some snow. It looks very pretty, but the roads are getting slippery. It is still coming down, and I am enjoying watching the birds flit about. I hope there are a few seeds left.....Mr. Squirrel - pictured above, spent a great deal of time filling his fat face this morning.
We are all hoping and praying for a snow day around here. Trust me, us teachers want it just as much as the kids do! It would be nice to get a little accumulation, since I would  love to go cross country skiing.
I am going to make a quick trip to the grocery store, and then plan on staying in for the rest of the day. Some sort of chili or soup with homemade bread will make a perfect dinner. Maybe bake some cookies too. I have a request for window panes - the ones with colored mini-marshmallows and chocolate chips.
Lots to do inside today..... Christmas cards, clean up, work on reports, exercise etc. However, what is sounding most appealing is time on the couch with a book, followed by a snooze.
Listening to some Christmas music - Mannheim Steamroller (We saw them last night in concert - what a fantastic show) and watching it snow. Yes, a good day to stay inside and enjoy my indoor garden

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