Sunday, December 5, 2010


     The light in the late afternoon was brilliant today. There were lots of clouds and when the sun rays suddenly broke through the clouds - the countryside seemed to light up, and the barren landscape became illuminated! I was on my way home and turned down a dirt road to snap a few pictures, but did not get many before the sun disappeared for the evening.
      Friday my sweetie and I were taking a long drive -almost 5 hours, to his company Christmas party. We were discussing the early onset on evening this time of year in Michigan. I shared how a friend had previously mentioned to me that with a 5:00 sunset time, he needed to move further south. This did not make sense to me.....a Michigan native who has resided here my entire life.....doesn't it get dark like this everywhere? Duh.....
      My sweetie gently explained to me that, no, further south does not get dark as early as it does here up north.....and then reminded me how the cousins from Florida always comment about how it stays light here so late in the summer......until after 10 at night here in June.
      Well, that got me thinking ( yeah, I know, I am a little slow sometimes). These early winter evenings do suck, but would I trade those long summer nights for more light in the winter? Hmmmmm....... Nope. I don't think so.
       While I don't enjoy it this time of year, I absolutely LOVE it in the summer! I guess you have to take the good with the bad. I need to accept the darkness, while I look forward to the light. The shortest day of the year will be hear in a few weeks.....and then after that - I start looking for the light! I think it's called Hope.

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly what my Boss says - after Dec. 21, the worst of his SAD is over - but not me. I wouldn't want 5:00 pm darkness in the summer either, but I've found that early dark in warmer climates like the Caribbean just makes for beautiful warm nights, and that's not so bad!
