Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Loving What is........are at least accepting it without a fight.

 Serenity Prayer with a Twist:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change;
the courage to change the one I can;
and the wisdom to know that person is me. -Unknown-

     There are still a few patches of blue peaking out of all the clouds in the picture above.....right? I had a rough day and night yesterday....and definitely could not see any blue sky. It was completely hidden under layers of clouds, and not the white, fluffy stuff, but the more ominous grey, heavy clouds.
      Back to work after 5 days off was challenging. The new paperwork is making me insane. The email from my son's high school pointing out continued lack of effort and little work being done, was just the icing on the cake. How do you motivate an 18 year boy.....who thinks he know it all?
      I tossed and turned all night as the demons wrestled in my head. I awoke with no clarity whatsoever, and feeling extremely tired. I never in a million years imagined that parenting would be this hard. Sometimes it feels like I am being punished......
     The early onset of evening is also getting to me. It gets dark so damn early. I haven't even lit candles lately....as I never seem to be able to find any matches. Hmmmm - don't even want to wonder where they are disappearing to. How to make peace with it all....all these things that I cannot control?
     I guess I need to remember that the only person I can really actually control is me.....so not easy, but true. Hating the long, dark evenings won't make them go away either, so maybe I need to stop and get some matches.....some candles twinkling in the darkness this evening sounds nice.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! I wish I had advice to offer on an 18-year old - it's hard to let them make their mistakes, take their lumps, learn their lessons without intervening, but sometimes that's the only way they learn. Good luck and stay warm!
