Sunday, November 14, 2010

     Today really felt like November. The 60 degree weather has vanished, and has been replaced by the more expected grey and 40 degree dreariness. It was windy and the air was definitely chilly! A good day for indoor activities.
      Yesterday, I did venture out to the knitting class, which was fun. I learned the basic knit stitch and to add on. I actually caught on pretty quickly, which surprised me, and found it to be relaxing. I wandered the store and fell in love with all the beautiful scarves, mittens and hats for sale. There were also some cool "felted" purses.  My imagination went wild thinking about all the cool things I could create......eventually. I need to go back and learn some more. Then I need to actually start some sort of project. I know that if I don't apply what I have learned, it will soon be forgotten.
      This afternoon was just right for curling up with a good book and relaxing. This lead to a delicious nap. When I woke up I decided to head out for a brisk walk. It was nippy, but it felt good to get some fresh air.
      I returned home feeling energized and made some veggie stew. I used to call it vegetarian chili, but as I started adding so many vegetables each time I made it, it has evolved into more of a stew. I also baked a pumpkin pie, which is my son, Mason's, favorite. The house smells divine. It was a nice, November Sunday.


  1. I always wished I could knit. My Mother used to crochet beautifual afghans and knit me the most gorgeous sweaters. I remember trying to learn and knitting a strip of something blue about eight inches long and six inches wide that was intended to be a scarf, but I never got the hang of it somehow. Though I still have that piece! Good luck with it - and I'm liking getting a glimpse of your Michigan life.

  2. Thank you! We will see what I can come up with....of course, starting easy!
