Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It is dark so early........

     Now that we have had the time change - it really gets dark very early. It seems like you get home from work and it is dark before you know it! This has always been a challenge for me.......being a summer lover and a fan of long days and darkness settling in around 10!
    But here were are in November. It has been sunny and 60 the past few days, and that alone is a miracle for November in Michigan and certain helps take bite of the early darkness. However, in the forecast looms more typical November weather.....rain, clouds, drizzle, sleet and ultimately snow.
     So  what to do......? My first action is candles, several of them. I enjoy candles, especially fragrant ones. The glow and scent does brighten my evening. You just have to be careful though and keep an eye on them.
     So what to do by candlelight? I am not a fan of television at all, so for me that means books and journals. I  plan on exploring a few different authors this winter. I have always wanted to learn how to knit , and I just found a class, so that would be an enjoyable way to spend the evening inside too.

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