Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunny Saturday~

     My Christmas Cactus is in full bloom~. The plant is couple years old now.....a small one purchased at Home Depot a few years ago that has bloomed every year since.
     I absolutely love my indoor garden. It really boosts my spirits and makes me smile. This morning I watered all the plants and enjoyed the smell of fresh dirt that filled the room. As I take the time to groom and deadhead all the plants, I am transported back to summer. The sun feels warm as it streams through the window and energizes me.
     The plants do require a bit of work though. Several of the plants are older and getting root bound......needing to be re-potted.(not one of my favorite chores either) I need to buy some more potting soil, and I know if I venture into any store that sells plant, that I will come home with a few new ones!
     So as the outside world here in Michigan turns drab and brown, my indoor garden is alive with color and life!

Look at these sweet, tender blossoms above....just waiting to emerge!


  1. I love your garden and the photos are beautiful. I've always wished I could have an indoor garden.

  2. thank you.....i love my indoor garden. Now I am getting a bit greedy and want more!!
