Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Day......

      Nice to be home this morning.....conferences at school tonight. I took a brisk walk in the morning sun and everything looks clear and bright. I definitely needed it with my current mood, which is in the dumps. Continued issues and stress with kids. Does it every end? I think if I asked my 85 year old dad he would say, NO, it never ends with your children....... you always love and worry about them. Sigh.
      When things get me down, as happens so easily this time of year, it seems to help me to focus on the many things that I have to be grateful for. So here are a few: sleeping in a bit, a hot shower, delicious coffee, a quiet house, laundry and dishes done, a woodpecker on the suet, wonderful friends, an awesome man to share my life with, a good job, a few dollars in the bank and excellent health. Yes, it does help to have an attitude of gratitude!
I loves the color these vibrant berries and blue sky add to a November day!

1 comment:

  1. I so often forget to be grateful for the little things. Thank you for the reminder.
