Tuesday, November 23, 2010

~The Real Test~

      Well, I need some green leaves and cheery flowers, cuz the weather has turned to crap! The real November has made its appearance and with a vengeance! It is cold and windy.....down right shitty out there! Every resolution I made to handle it and dress warmly, to just deal with winter without complaint, went right out the window as I walked to my car today. It came back to me in a flash.....this is why I sometimes hate winter! Ugh......
      My house feels freezing. I had forgotten how drafty and chilly this big house gets. I turned the heat up a bit....as much as I dare anyway, since this house costs a fortune to heat! When my 18 year, who was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt, complained about the house being so cold,  I suppressed my urge to smack him and told him to put on a sweatshirt. Layer up I told him.....and myself. Like it or not.....winter has arrived!
      ~ My challenge begins now!

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