Sunday, November 7, 2010

Getting Started

     Hard to believe that it is already November. Sigh. Not exactly my favorite month of the year, and it's getting colder and darker. Today was the time change and it was dark by 6......yikes!
     I have lived in Michigan my entire life - 50 years now. Winters are long here, as in many months of cold and snow. This is definitely not my favorite season at all. Actually, you could say it is my least favorite. I absolutely adore summer, but that is a different story.
    Anyway, as we begin the descent into the frigid, dreary season, I started thinking about winter, and how hating five months of the year is crazy. All the bitching I do about it is not going to change a thing! So I decided to seek out a few suggestions from others - ideas on how to make this winter thing more tolerable. The first several suggestions were to take a trip to somewhere warm, which sounds great, but is rather short term and not in my budget. Another person suggested moving, which is also not another option. I also got a few ideas to get involved in hobbies such as beading and photography, which I do enjoy and will be involved with this winter.
     So, what does one do to make winter less hated and more enjoyed?
     One thing that I started doing several years ago that improved my attitude toward winter was cross country skiing. It is inexpensive - I bought used equipment and boots for less than $100! It's great exercise, and you really work up a sweat! However, the most beautiful thing about it is - you are NOT cold! It also very peaceful and beautiful when you are skiing in the snowy woods.
     The other thing in my life that has made winter more tolerable for me is my heated garage. I LOVE it! I never, ever get into a cold car when leaving my home. I stumbled upon this feature quite by accident when I moved into this home several years ago. It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but for me it was a gift from God! I will never live in a home without this feature, or if it's not an option, I will at least have a car starter. This has a difference for me.
       So this year, I am embarking on an adventure to make this season one that I truly enjoy, not one that I merely survive!

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