Saturday, November 13, 2010

November skies......

     November does seem to have some lovely sunsets. The sky was beautiful the other evening as I walked to the neighborhood. It has been a long and draining week......nothing like a crisp autumn walk to clear your mind.
      As much I hate to see the leaves fall, I love the simplicity of bare, black branches. It is like the trees are stripped of all nonessentials..... leaving the naked bones and inner beauty. I love every season, but the elegant curves of the bare branches offer such simple beauty.
       This Saturday morning has me tired and not motivated to do much of anything. I am contemplating the knitting class, but not sure I can summon the energy. I will take a walk and perhaps visit my hospice patients.
        Planting bulbs is another idea dancing around my brain, but sounds like too much work too. It was the week from hell at work, maybe I need to listen to what my body is telling me and do nothing.

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