Monday, November 8, 2010

Staying Warm......or at least trying!

     I have always been a cold person, not cold in an emotional sense, but in a concrete physical sense. I freeze! I finally start enjoying my cute little tank tops when the temps get above 80! So when the weather turns chilly....I freeze when I am outside.
     I was thinking about this the other night....a chilly November evening. We were going out to dinner and  I started complaining how cold it felt, but then did a scan of how I was dressed and wonder you are not warm. I was wearing jeans, heels (no socks), and tank top and cardigan. My coat was a thin, velvet blazer. This would have been perfect clothing if it was 60, but not for wonder I was freezing!
    So my plan is to dress more appropriately for the weather. Hat and gloves always help, but I do hate the way hats can wreck you hair. However, I am on the lookout for a cute knit cap that warm my head and ears. I have some thin, silk long underwear that I may wear under jeans and pants when it gets really nasty. I will continue wear lots of layers on top too. This is essential since occasional hot flashes still torture me, and I have to be able to turn the heat down for a few minutes. Boots of course, once the snow flies, do add a major warm factor too!
     So in a nutshell, my plan is too dress for weather and wear enough clothing to stay warm!


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