Thursday, November 11, 2010

Looking for rainbows.................

    This sweet little rainbow landed on floor of  my indoor garden last week. How cool is that?!!
I have several prisms hanging in my window and on sunny days the rainbows dance around my plants. I love rainbows.....they seem almost magical! Whenever I see one outside, I consider it to be good luck and make a wish!
    My next activity to help me enjoy winter is planting some bulbs in pots. I am very cheap and waiting for the bulbs to get marked down before I get started. I have several pots ready to go. I read that you just plant to bulbs in the soil and then put them in an unheated shed or garage for a few months (not exactly sure about the part....need to do more research). After the appropriate time, you can bring them in the house to enjoy, or if you wait until spring, put them on the porch outside. I plan on doing both, and eagerly anticipate daffodils, tulips and hyacinth blooming around me!

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